FK Architecture Featured Once Again on Top Giants 400 Building Design + Construction Lists
FK Architecture Featured Once Again on Top Giants 400 Building Design + Construction Lists

FK Architecture Grows Team with Adam Fields and Megan Bell
FK Architecture Grows Team with Adam Fields and Megan Bell

FK Architecture Designs Grand East Village Affordable Senior Housing Community in Orlando
FK Architecture Designs Grand East Village Affordable Senior Housing Community in Orlando; Groundbreaking Underway, Published in Informed Infrastructure

FK Architecture Designs at Allegro Senior Housing Community
FK Architecture Designs Ekos at Allegro Senior Housing Community, published in Commercial Construction and Renovation Magazine

FK Architecture Expands, Hires Project Manager Eli Garbero and Accounting Manager Jessica Romeo
FK Architecture Expands, Hires Project Manager Eli Garbero and Accounting Manager Jessica Romeo

FK Architecture Continues Growth; Welcomes Project Coordinator Jessica Wyatt
FK Architecture Continues Growth; Welcomes Project Coordinator Jessica Wyatt

FK Architecture Awarded 2023 Best Place to Work by the Orlando Business Journal
FK Architecture Awarded 2023 Best Place to Work by the Orlando Business Journal

FK Architecture Welcomes Architects Connor Privett and Amy VanderMeer
FK Architecture Welcomes Architects Connor Privett and Amy VanderMeer

FK Architecture Adds Three
FK Architecture Adds Three, published in InspireDesign Magazine

Welcome Mariam, Matt, and Trey
FK Architecture welcomes Matt Bannon, Mariam Bacheer, and Trey Howard. Our new hires have extensive experience in architectural design, project management, and strategic planning.

FK Architecture Adds to Its Headcount
FK Architecture adds to its headcount, welcoming Monica Leon, Allison McElyea, and Yasser Waly. The new members offer rich backgrounds in architecture and design and valuable experiences that will benefit the firm and positively impact clientele.

FK Architecture Awarded 2021 BPTW
As a company that has always focused on building an inclusive culture that allows each of us at FK to be the best versions of ourselves, we are honored to be recognized for having created and sustained the positive culture we have.

FK Architecture Adds to Headcount
FK Architecture is pleased to announce the addition of Project Director Sabrina Marano. Marano brings over 18 years of experience in commercial and residential architecture.

Leadership Announcement
Gary Badge has been elected Managing Member at the firm. With over 20 years of experience, Badge is a well-versed design professional with a Bachelor of Design, Construction, and Planning from the University of Florida and a Bachelor of Architecture from Florida A&M University. He is also certified in Business Management from Rollins College, Crummer Graduate School of Business.